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How do you set a users password to "password" on an platform instance via SQL?

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Need to reset a users password to "password" via SQL.

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An easy solution is simply to do this:

update sso_password_history set ssoph_user_password = '1000:7d46c3df80356a19603c594d306e546d20056024abb0f780:62d069dab1ce5ef8bd1de3b9eb8fbfcf1178a3f006ca1c8b:1'
where ssoph_ssopr_id = (select ssopr_id from sso_principal where ssopr_user_name = 'theusername')

You lose the history of older passwords, but often for the kind of users you are trying to do this for, that really doesn't matter.

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Marco Gouveia
Matt Nutsch Topic starter 2020-09-10 21:00:12
This post was modified 3 years ago 7 times by Marco Gouveia

If you want to only reset the most recent password AND reset the "too many failed login" flag:


update sso_password_history set ssoph_user_password = '1000:7d46c3df80356a19603c594d306e546d20056024abb0f780:62d069dab1ce5ef8bd1de3b9eb8fbfcf1178a3f006ca1c8b:1'
where ssoph_ssopr_id = (select ssopr_id
from sso_principal
where ssopr_user_name = 'THE_USERNAME') and ssoph_active_status_cd = 'Active';


update sso_principal set ssopr_active_status_cd = 'Active', ssopr_failed_logins_count = 0 where ssopr_user_name = 'THE_USERNAME';