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[Solved] Cannot Log in to Server as InstanceAdminUser

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I'm able to access the login screen at http://localhost for a ONE platform app. I cannot log in as InstanceAdminUser though.

The server console shows the following when attempting to log in:

08-24 15:58:28,385 INFO (pool-2-thread-1) [ ClientSsoSessionMonitor] Synchronized LastAccessDate to DB
08-24 15:58:50,703 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Authenticating AuthKey[null.InstanceAdminUser]
08-24 15:58:50,719 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Successfully authenticated AuthKey[null.InstanceAdminUser]
08-24 15:58:50,719 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Originally Requested URL -
08-24 15:58:50,720 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Requested appId - null
08-24 15:58:50,720 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] No originally requested URL provided
08-24 15:58:50,732 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Redirect to 0
08-24 15:58:50,736 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-4) [ LogonAction] Forward request to - http://lap-mnutsch/oms/SsoCallBack?appId=0
08-24 15:58:50,742 WARN (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ RealmVerifier] RP discovery / realm validation disabled;
08-24 15:58:50,743 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ Discovery] Starting discovery on URL identifier: http://lap-mnutsch/sso/auth/id
08-24 15:58:50,878 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ YadisResolver] Yadis discovered 2 endpoints from: http://lap-mnutsch/sso/auth/id
08-24 15:58:50,878 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ Discovery] Discovered 2 OpenID endpoints.
08-24 15:58:50,884 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ ConsumerManager] Trying to associate with http://lap-mnutsch/sso/openId attempts left: 4
08-24 15:58:50,904 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ ConsumerManager] Found an existing association: 2bc606cdb37bebb6
08-24 15:58:50,909 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ ConsumerManager] Creating authentication request for OP-endpoint: http://lap-mnutsch/sso/openId claimedID: OP-specific ID:
08-24 15:58:50,910 INFO (0.0.0-80-exec-1) [ RealmVerifier] Return URL: http://lap-mnutsch/oms/auth/openId?_origReqURL=http%3A%2F%2Flap-mnutsch%3A80%2Foms%2Fbase%2Fhome.action matches realm: http://lap-mnutsch/oms/auth/openId?_origReqURL=http%3A%2F%2Flap-mnutsch%3A80%2Foms%2Fbase%2Fhome.action

What is going on and how do I fix it?


1 Answer
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In version NEO 3.2+ of the platform we added a security feature to ensure secure (HTTPS) connections.

Open your configuration file. There should be a setting named "secure.cookie.boolean.param". If that value is set to true, then you cannot sign in through HTTP. Change this setting to false, then rebuild your instance and restart the server.

If you are having this issue in a production environment, then install a SSL certificate on your server and access the app through HTTPS.