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Studio/SDK: Enabling xml syntax coloring/highlighting for *.reports files?

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Studio adds syntax coloring/highlighting to files with a .xml extension.

Is there a way to turn on this same coloring/highlighting for files with .reports extensions?

I found some articles online suggesting that this can be done by editing the file extension preferences. However, it did not seem to work for *.reports files.

1 Answer
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Here are the steps to add XML color highlighting to .reports files in Studio:

  1. Select Window -> Preferences
  2. Expand General -> Editors -> File Associations
  3. Click Add next to File Types
  4. Type *.reports
  5. Click OK
  6. Click on *.reports
  7. In Add next to Associated Editors
  8. Choose Ant Editor
  9. Click Ant Editor in the Associated editors list
  10. Click Default

(answered by Sean Durkin)