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[Solved] How can I build and deploy my changes more quickly?

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Sometimes my ant builds take a long time ... is there anything I can do to minimize the time spent waiting on ant to finish?

1 Answer

There are several ant targets you can call after changing specific things in a module which will execute much faster than the all-encompassing ant build. They are listed below:

After changing...

  • Java code (src/, private-src/, test-src/): ant hotswap, or if that fails, then ant quick-compile, then restart server

  • Reports: ant deploy-reports (or click the Submit button in Studio)

  • SqlDefs: ant deploy-sqldefs

  • TLVs: ant deploy-tlvs

  • ant deploy-and-reload-bundle

  • Flux JS/CSS: ant watch-jsmodules-dev which starts a process that watches for JS/CSS file changes and automatically rebuilds (must be executed before you make your changes)

  • ExtJS JS Modules (under web/public/), or JSP: ant watch-web-files which starts a process that watches for changes to web files (JS/JSP/HTML/CSS) and automatically copies them to the server (must be executed before you make your changes)

  • All JS/CSS, or JSP: ant deploy-war or ant deploy-web-files (or Submit in Studio)
  • Model or MDFs (new fields): ant build, then restart jboss

  • Model or MDFs (removed/modified fields): ant clean build, then restart server

  • Actions or States constants: Delete build/.genMptConstants, then ant build, then restart server

  • MPT or *.vm files (email templates): ant hotswap-mpt (or Submit in Studio)

  • SPT: ant load-data (or Submit in Studio)

  • Heatmaps: ant deploy-heatmaps

  • KPIs: ant deploy-kpis

  • IXM: ant copy-engines, then restart server



  • If you're not seeing your JS changes after deploying them, it's possible that your browser has cached the old JS and isn't fetching the new from the server. To fix that, make sure you have your developer tools open and the "Disable cache" checkbox checked. Here's a screenshot for the Chrome dev tools:


GregMerrill Topic starter 2012-06-11 10:06:00

Also - to see a complete list of available targets, run "ant -p". That includes a list of the targets above with descriptions.